Returns, exchanges and exclusions

Returns & Exchanges

Returning and/or exchanging (your full or partial order) may result in an “ineligible” shopping trip status. The retailer has indicated that the order is no longer eligible to earn Shopping Rewards. At times, certain travel purchases may show as ineligible until the stay / rental is complete.



The following are typically not eligible for  Shopping Rewards:

  • Canceled orders
  • Subscription renewals
  • Gift cards 
  • Promotional deals
  • Currency
  • Commodities and rare metals including but not limited to gold, silver, and platinum
  • Guns & Ammunition
  • Real Estate categories
  • Travel insurance
  • In store orders or completed over the phone or chat
  • Shipping, taxes and any fees  

This is not an exhaustive list as retailers may change their exclusions at any time. Additionally, retailers may not offer Shopping Rewards on specific categories of products or if a gift card, coupon or retailer credit balance is used to pay for your purchase. 


Read through any applicable exclusions within our marketing emails and individual partner sites prior to completing your shopping trip. For additional guidance, contact us at


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